
Hello, and welcome to the website all about my book (and eventually series), Crossed Paths. Here is where I post everything dedicated to my book, such as a dictionary, character list, other useful documents, chapters, and illustrations/other art. This website is more of a bonus feature to the book series and will hopefully help keep the fantasy world straight for my readers. This website will be constantly updated, so keep in touch to learn more about this world! (Once my book is published, the link to this site will be under the book sleeve.) 

The book is called Crossed Paths, and it is in the fantasy, action, and romance genres. It is about a teenaged male who is cursed to be part wolf spirit and part human. He is a very antisocial, quiet teen named Michael. Then, he crosses paths with an extremely extroverted, goody-two shoes teenager named Sarah. Michael is a kid with many secrets – especially involving his family and his life after school. Balancing work, high school, family, and his other world, he has to deal with Sarah too, feeling only slightly less than hatred towards her at first. Will they form a team or even more than that? Will Michael ever finish his goal and beat the villainess, Huntress? Read my book to find out!

Side note: the book has way more characters than the one in the cover, but those four are the main ones.

The book’s cover is below!
