Listicle: Characters

Set in a hidden land of spirits and other creatures, Crossed Paths, is my fantasy-action book about a half wolf-spirit, half human character trying to get his brother back. The book is filled with all kinds of characters that are unique species and have different personalities. To keep them all straight, here is a list of all of the characters introduced in the series. This listicle supplies the name, appearance, species, personality, and importance to the book of each character. This list does provide SPOILERS but is greatly helpful as a character dictionary if you wish to look at this bonus feature.



Michael is the main character of the book. He has hazel eyes, tanned skin, a thin body, and black hair. This eighteen-year-old wears a black hoodie 24/7. He was originally human until he stole from the spirit queen and was cursed to be part wolf-spirit. Michael is extremely anti-social and dislikes nearly everyone – with very little tolerance to people his own age. The teenager is quite sarcastic and serious, and he also has a habit of lying. He has a harsh background and family issues, the main one revolving around how his stepmother kidnapped his little brother.

The Huntress.


The Huntress is the evil villainess in the story. She is a very confident woman with long brown hair and narrowed, yellow eyes. She always wears armor – physically and mentally. The lady is in her 40’s, (and she’ll kill you if you find out her age). She does have a real name, but her victims’ families have nicknamed her the Huntress for self-explanatory reasons. Hatred for her is the one thing the diverse range of spirits all share.  She has the willpower and the power to do whatever she wants. She is extremely manipulative and controlling. Basically, as another character Danny puts it, she’s a giant “GAME OVER” sign. She has two types of minions – hunters that are mindless creatures she makes to do her less challenging work, and shifters who are a species so cowardly they agreed to help her before she even laid a hand on them. She’s Michael’s stepmother and also a Yellow-Eyes. Because of her eye color and the power her late husband gave her, she can enslave humans and also steal spirits’ powers. (Spirits’ powers also are their lifeline, so she essentially wants to kill a spirit of each species to have all of the power.)



Sarah is the second main hero of the book. She has blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She prefers jeans and a t-shirt over dresses. The blonde is just an average, (human,) teenaged girl. Sarah is also an only child of the Williams family. After catching Michael stealing some ugly costume jewelry, she quickly becomes involved in the spirit world. She worms her way into Michael’s life, eventually becoming the wolf spirit’s love interest, as well as his conscience. She’s the only one that can stop Michael when his curse fully takes over. She ends up having a healing fairy and also a freaking cool sword. Her grandmother taught her how to use the weapon… as well as writing several books about a fantastical world, which is remarkably similar to Michael’s.



Kael is the third protagonist. He is a little kid with chocolate brown hair, tanned skin, and bright green eyes. He also always has no shoes, a green sweater, khaki shorts, and a huge smile on. When the book starts, the boy is 6 years old; he’ll be at least 16 by the time the series is over. The boy is extremely cheerful and usually acts like a little kid; however, he is mentally quite older but he hides this aspect of himself. He is extremely selfless and doesn’t want anyone to worry about him – no matter how much pain he goes through in his life. The boy is a little fox prince that quickly becomes a little brother to Michael, especially with the teenager’s blood brother kidnapped. The boy eventually discovers that he is a firefox destined to be the strongest king his kingdom has ever seen.



Danny is a secondary character and one of Sarah’s friends. He has chocolate brown hair and light green eyes, tall and muscular. He is a very goofy teenager and loved by everyone (except for Michael). He has a very large (and obvious) crush on Sarah and is completely unaware that another girl likes him. He’s smart, a jock, everyone a person wants to be in high school. Also, he’s a shifter, and his biological parents are trying to make him become evil like the rest of them. They keep killing off his adopted ones whenever it is clear he got too close (once again) and isn’t using his position to spy (once again). Danny is the one shifter who doesn’t consider himself as one of the Huntress’s minions.



Flame (which is his nickname) is in his 20’s and will be introduced later in the series. He is a side character, but an important one. He is one of two brothers that are slave traders working with the Huntress. Their reasons for doing so are entirely selfish and personal. Huntress killed the brothers’ parents.



Ice is Flame’s brother. After the Huntress killed the father and pregnant mother in front of their boys, she sent a lightning ball to the cold-powered boy, and frost to the heat-powered boy. Because of this, they’re both vulnerable to each other’s powers now. Ice had pushed his little brother out of most of the harm and now has a scar and a blind eye. To control his depth precision (and to not let a single snowflake kill his brother), he has to wear an amulet that hurts him but controls his powers. He and his brother pretend to be slave traders to get close to Huntress enough to kill her. (But  much to Flame’s grief, Ice ends up becoming like her).



What fantasy story doesn’t need a witch? Callie is your neighborhood witch. She is one of the three good Yellow-Eyes. In addition she has white hair that’s always in pigtails, when she’s in her present-age form. She’s most comfortable in a tank top or a T-shirt, and shorts. Callie was a 19 year old human, but became a Yellow-eyes after her awful father kicked her out. She became a witch and helps the main characters occasionally from time to time now. Since no one takes the fresh-out-of-high-school young lady seriously, she uses magic to disguise herself as a wise, old woman. Callie is Ice’s love interest.



Scarlet is Callie’s apprentice. She is a little girl – roughly six or so. She has her wavy, black hair pulled back in a loose pony-tail and deep, red eyes. The cat demon used to earn money by assassinating people who wronged her clients. It could be anything – the victim cheated, stole, lied, even cut the client in a line somewhere. She’d keep her few precious items in a magical ‘pocket’ and wander around the country. One precious item is a memory camera that she stole from Callie before even meeting her. She’d use it to see her human mother. Her demon father has no idea she even exists. She ran away from the foster families and the orphanage. Callie later found her (and the camera) and hired her as an apprentice (and honestly adopted her). The little girl tries desperately for the woman to never find out that she’s a demon, for fear she will lose her home… and her new mom. (But, Callie totally knows already).



Raven is introduced much later in the series, but he unintentionally influences many people. The man has jet black hair, brilliant blue (faded) eyes that are covered by sunglasses, and pale skin. His raven, Talon, is always flying around him and cawing. The blind man understands him and therefore rarely uses his cane. He wears a leather jacket, t-shirts, jeans, and black dress shoes. He is an introverted young man in his twenties. As well as being the prince of Thunder, he is also the first precipitation spirit that is NOT from the lightning family, to be able to control lightning. He has a complicated life with his human girlfriend and eventually realizes she was controlled by the Huntress.  Until the realization, he considers his blindness beyond a weakness and vows to kill the villainess.

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