About the Author

Hello, viewers, and welcome to the About page! Since I already described what the story is about on the Welcome page, I figure that even more information here about the same topic would be a bit overkill. So this is more of an About the Author page. Friends, family, and even a professor or two were suggesting that I make an about page.. so. Here we are!

Wanna learn more about the story? Don’t worry! You’ll learn more about it in literally every other page on this website (except for this one obviously). *does thumbs up* If you have specific questions, well you’re in luck. I have a Q and A, so here’s the link: https://crossedpathsweb.wordpress.com/q-a/ .  Your question might just be answered on it! And of course, if you still have questions – whether about myself or the book series – other than the ones in the link above or on this page below, feel free to contact me. Your question might even get put in the Q and A or addressed here! 🙂 Wouldn’t that be the coolest. 

Anyway, on to the about the author page! I am the author; nice to meet you. My name’s Marisa, but friends (and lazy people) call me Risa. My anime-lover friends occasionally call me Risa-chan. Some people call me Mary. (Aka, weird people. Butchya know. whatevs.) I have been called a few other goofy nicknames, but Risa is the most popular one. And I’ve even been called Clarissa, Maria, or Melissa, because why not. xD As long as it’s semi near my name, (and more importantly, addressed to my email), I’ll respond to you. Go figure.

I’m sure you probably don’t want to read an essay about me, and kudos to you if you’ve lasted this long. I’m just trying to prove that I am indeed human, with trying to personalize my book’s website and all that jazz. So I decided to make my about page more of a humorous fact list while still saying some basic (albeit random) information about me.  Every once in a while, I’ll add a couple more facts, but don’t worry – I’ll try to keep it interesting. Ain’t nobody got time for reading a biography… or an autobiography… or whatever the term is. #Imclearlyafictionwriteroops. So get ready for random as heck facts about me. (Or not and skip this page. That’s cool too.) 

PS: Not even gonna lie, some of these are more like explanations or stories than facts, but ya know. It’s my about page so I can do whatever I want. XD 

  1. I’m an introvert. .. T. That’s it.
  2. I’m really good (and interested) in English and art classes. They da bomb. Maths and sciences I don’t superbly love.
  3. I like joking around. And being sarcastic. But ironically, I don’t have a joke about this oh well.
  4. I have five amazing and crazy best friends that always have my back. 🙂 
  5. Foxes and wolves are my favorite animals. 
  6. Purple is the best color in the entire universe, and anyone who disagrees should be banned from this planet. (And I mean this with love. 😛 ) 
  7. I really like sushi. And chocolate. And Pocky. And Italian food. And hamburgers. and – I love food more than people.
  8. My favorite insect is honestly any insect that can’t bite or sting the crap out of me. And even then, I’m over here giving a stink eye to the butterfly across the room like “Whatchu gonna do, PUNK?”
  9. I like the number 9. Also was born in the year 1999, so. (ALSO, DID YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE???)
  10. My favorite YouTubers are Jaiden Animations, Jenna Moreci, and iiSuperwomanii. So you should check those three out if you love happiness, stories, writing, and/or JOY IN GENERAL. 
  11. I am often called the “mom” friend, aka the friend-who-worries-about-everyone’s-stupid-assignments-especially-when-said-friend-procrastinates-too-much.
  12. I am also a procrastinator. *nervous chuckle* Oops? So. I guess I’m a hypocrite, too.
  13. I was born on Earth Day. So every card I get from my wonderfully horrible siblings is “Happy b EARTH day.” ha HAAA so clever. Never gets old.
  14. My second love, after food of  course, are hugs. 
  15. I have a very low tolerance to rude people and also people with dumb opinions that think it should to me. News flash – I don’t care if you don’t like __ about me; I’m keeping it so #deal.
  16. I have no balance skills whatsoever and therefore cannot ride a bicycle. 
  17. I love drawing, animating, writing (obviously), crocheting, working with clay, sewing, painting, jewelry making, honestly just name it. I can’t knit to save my life though.
  18. I am currently 18 years old. (DID YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE? ha Haaaa so clever, I know.)
  19. Fun Fact! I was homeschooled all my life until I went to a high school/college duo credit program. Basically, I went from homeschooled high school life to public college life. It was .. uh. great. #stressful
  20. I’m a Christian, so I believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, but I don’t force people to listen. Everyone has a right to their own religion. I do answer questions if people ask though!
  21. I’m pretty open about stuff in general honestly. Not just religion. So, like if my extroverted friend wants to know what “recharging” means, I have no problem with explaining it to her. Same if a guy friend is like “Yo… is a period something other than a piece of punctuation?” (Haha, totally just kidding. please don’t hurt me.) In which case, I will try to explain it the best I can without completely grossing him out. XD But I have no qualms about explaining if someone genuinely wants to know. So, ask away! (Well. Preferably only ask questions about the story, if you’re using this website. xD ) 
  22. I have a hard time of figuring out if I’m saying TMI (Too Much Information, if you’re a cute little grandma who hadn’t heard of that before). So I’ll be rambling on and they’re like holy crap waaaayyyy TMI… which. usually makes me kinda shut down and I’ll be pretty freaking quiet around you from now on. Because I’m an awkward turtle. Ahah. I’msosorry XD 
  23. I had a very difficult time learning how to walk and talk when I was little. (I learned ASL before English, but unfortunately don’t remember now.)
  24. I have 2 older sisters and 1 older brother. 🙂 
  25. Story Time! My two year-old-self waited until my mom left to go to a Mom type of class, to then get up for the first time and run around in circles as if I was a walking professional. (And the tape my dad recorded… got recorded over by another home video XD Sorry, Mom.) 
  26. Exercising is the bane of my existence. I laugh in the faces of people who suggest I do it. What do you think I am? Some kind of healthy person? Pfft, oh please. Get out.
  27. I have a high metabolism. Which is nice. Very very nice. (People hate me because of this, oh well. XD ) 
  28. I am currently the second tallest in my immediate family and the youngest one.
  29. I love rainy weather. While everyone’s all mopey and getting sick, I’m over here just ssiiiiinngging in the raiiiinnn. what a glooorious feeling I’m haappyyy again. Like the freaking smell and the wonderful coolness of the water and the lack of sunlight and the overall gentle feeling of the air and the scents. Rain’s the best!
  30. Awkward random eye contact with a stranger is very awkward, and I hate that feeling. I look up from my laptop for 2.405 seconds, and the person I accidentally locked eyes with either thinks I’m a freaking weirdo or that this is an invitation to start talking to me. And I’m like caaaan we not. 
  31. I like learning… But I don’t like… school. Or tests…..  and classmates. (Just kidding they’re not ALL bad.)
  32. I like collecting rocks (even tho I have no clue what I’m doing). My collection is basically a pile of SCHIST, to professionals. But I think it ROCKS. Haha, I’m sorry, I’ll stop, but I just FRACKING love this so much, ya know?
  33. I love puns. XD Don’t take my humor for GRANITE. Haha, I’m funny…
  34. I hate that awkward moment where you need to cough your lungs out, but it’s in the middle of a quiet room, so you just sit there, turning blue while waiting for someone else to make a loud noise so you can UNLEASH the COUGHING fury. (But most of the time, you just pass out because you really needed to cough.) 
  35. I also dislike how girls need to go to the bathroom in packs. Like I get you want to vent about your stupid boyfriend or something and a girls-only spot is the best place to be in private. But for some reason, I’m extremely awkward and feel guilty about interrupting your gossip-time with my bathroom break. So please can you gossip somewhere else, so I can do my business in peace? Sigh.
  36. Story Time! One time my friend kept annoying me and poking me and whatnot (and yes, I politely asked him not to),  and he said there was nothing I could say to make him not be in his good mood, so I was like CHALLENGE ACCEPTED and made up a story about a puppy that lost his leg protecting his master that had cancer, and the dog died and haunted the owner until he died too. There was a long and I mean LOONNNGGG period of silence. And after a few minutes, he just said “Well damn. I was wrong.”
  37. Have you read Harry Potter? I haven’t, but my friend practically chained me to a chair to watch all the movies, in like 2 days. And those movies are freaking long. We didn’t sleep. Lol.
  38. Fun fact! I wasn’t allowed to watch Harry Potter when I was younger because there was magic and witchcraft in it. BUT I was allowed to watch Merlin. Because. #priorities #makessenseifyoudontthinkaboutit #beggingpleadingchild
  39. Speaking of Harry Potter, I am and will always be: a Slytherin. So deal with it. 
  40. Having trouble spelling a word? Need to look it up in the dictionary or ask a friend? Not me. I am that friend. Or I write it to see if the word looks wrong. because. Dictionaries. Who needs ’em. *language lovers everywhere feel sad* 
  41. Fiction is my life. And heart. And soul.
  42. My deviantArt is FictionLover987 because how original is that. #prettyoriginal.
  43. YouTube is also my life. Which certainly doesn’t help the whole ‘procrastination’ dealio I got going on. (I do actually have a YouTube account with the same username… it just… has 2 videos on it. I’m sorry. I’m working on it okay. Chill, gosh.)
  44. I would rather have a semester long project than a test. If all my classes did that, I’d be a stressed-out, sleep-deprived, BUT happy camper. 0:) Because IIIII have test anxiety. *thumbs up*
  45. You know you’re my friend if I touch you. If I never hug you, pat your head, rest my head on your shoulder, hold your hand, poke you at least 3 times, or high five you, I probably consider you an acquaintance. So. My bad. (Also, my bad if you think I’m flirting. Rest assured, I just don’t know how to deal with people.) 
  46. I like having friends, but I keep the close ones around 3-5 people. 
  47. Making friends. Is the hardest thing. In the entire world. Like you’re telling me. I gotta be in a new place and actually TALK to people? The introvert part of me wants to scream at you but remains quiet and calm because #introverted.
  48. Because of this, if people (regardless if they’re introverted/extroverted) can give a good speech and talk to people well, I admire them for life. 
  49. I have social anxiety… … I was homeschooled for 16 years. I think I turned out decently well considering.
  50. Also, I am very clearly loving the whole #thing. I used to just do it to be ironic. And now I’m like screw it. It’s funny. 
  51. I hate shopping for clothes. But craft supplies and food? Sign me up, son!
  52. I tend to make the faces of a character that I’m drawing, or I’ll be laughing at my own jokes that I’m writing. … and I tend to do this in public. Yeah. People here think I’m crazy, guys. but it’s for YOUR enjoyment, people.
  53. I am a visual and kinetic learner. I’m sorry guys, there’s no joke here. Learning is SRS BSNESS. 
  54. Fun Fact: I like sleeping so much but one time I was really thirsty. But my water bottle was a whole table away from me, so I died of dehydration and enjoyed my sleep.
  55. My eagerness to help my friends with drawing is something I am not superbly lazy at.
  56. Ironically, I hate talking about myself sooo. This feels weird. So I have to make them funny to get through it. xD  And yes, I am aware that I’m talking about myself; that’s why I said it was ironic. 
  57. If you offer me a soda, I will ninja kick you in the face. (Just kidding; I’m not violent. … that you know of muahahha) I really don’t like carbonated drinks. They gross. But hey, more for you, you weird soda drinkers! 😛 
  58. Singing is fun. It’s fun to sing musical’s songs especially. 😀 
  59. I say “sigh” and “oh ho ho” a lot. …. I don’t know why. I will sigh and evil laugh too… But I’ll also say these too in certain situations. *le shrug*
  60. I like saying actions in *’s. So if I’m texting and don’t wanna come across as a jerk or if I just flat-out want to show I’m hilarious, and the person wouldn’t otherwise appreciate my wondrous joke, then I’m gonna show what I’m doing. *thumbs up* *flips hair*
  61. I’m a night owl. *basks in the moonlight*
  62. Going hand in hand with this, I am also a bit of an insomniac. Usually just during long breaks like summer or Christmas. But sometimes, I can’t sleeping during the school semester either. *cries* 
  63. Multiple people have told me that I’m wise. And this is people that are pretty close to me. and I’m like holy fudge knuckles I was just talking about how I dealt with this certain social situation. Why you drop the W bomb on me, dang! (to which… they take back their previous comment. ((JK XD )) )
  64. I hang up art that I’ve done over the years in my room. … so if I ever let you in my room. Dang, gurl/boi, you must be fudging close to me. … and/or you invited yourself in, or needed a place to stash your shoes. WHATEVS. STILL. So if you go into my room… kinda feels like you’re looking at my diary… that I didn’t realize I had unttiill fact this next fact: 
  65. People take usually at least 2 to 3 minutes to fully process the 8th wonder of the world that is obviously my room. There’s color and art and just crap all over my walls. It’s like an unorganized unicorn just vomited all over my bedroom. I get it. It’s overwhelming. You gotta have time to take it all in. Still doesn’t change the fact that I’m slowly dying inside as you observe in wonder. (Literally my mom will stop in the middle of her sentence to look around and then after a few minutes, she’ll say, “Sorry you have new artwork up that I hadn’t seen yet.”) 
  66. Which leads me into my next point, I hate watching people look at my work. Don’t get me wrong. I freaking love getting feedback and critiques. It helps the beejeebes crap for me. But like. Watching a person read or take in my art. I just.. Hi, before you read my work, can you please take this baseball bat and knock me unconscious with it? That’d be great thanks! *thumbs up* 
  67. This is ironic, but usually I suck at being subtle or making good transitions/ segues. Haha. I’m blunt as heck. Like I don’t play games. If you’re bugging me, you’ll know. xD 
  68. I’m also really stubborn. Hahahhaha, I’m sorry, friends. (But not really.)
  69. Fun Fact: My mom, during young homeschool days, would make me practice 2 things after my core classes – playing the piano and typing on the computer.
  70. I know a lot of people that are more loose or creative, and I know a lot of people that are more technical or logical. So, those two things kinda merged into me and made be able to understand both sides (hopefully). Now does that mean I like science and math? Haha. Heeeeelll no. Am I good at it? (If I’ve taken a class in it recently) then yeah, considerably I suppose. 
  71. I like light. … Like.. don’t get me wrong. Sunlight is meh. I get it’s necessary for survival and all that jazz. But it’s meh to me artistically. NOW then, shadows and light refractions and reflections – that’s hella cool. Glowing things are also hella cool. The moon = hella cool. I have so many little lamps/lights in my room; it’s ridiculous. I could be on the Hoarders. (Is that a real show? I feel like that’s a real show.)
  72. I’m really weird… I’m sorry you all had to find out this way. But if you haven’t figured out by the time you’re reading this, then you probably are weird too and just in denial. So JOKE’S ON YOU, SUCKAAASS! 
  73. This one’s where I explain more… What people don’t understand about me very well is that often what I’m drawing or writing about has nothing to do with my personality and emotions. Yes, I go through sad/happy/whatevs phases. (So do most people I would think, but especially artists.) And yeah, I had parts of my life that were definitely a bit more depressed or emotional than others. But like. Nowadays, if I’m writing about a character, don’t just assume he/she’s based on me. They might have parts of me (probably) or based on people (maybe) that I know in real life, but it honestly wasn’t even intentional probably. If this happens, it’s just to help the characters come to life and be relatable. So just because my character hates his parents, or she wants to commit suicide, or these two have an absolutely horrible relationship, doesn’t mean that I’m going through this too. Thank you for the concern and the support of course, but I don’t need to be babied, I promise! 🙂 I do however want my book to be enjoyable but also relatable to all people if I can manage to do so. So I will try to hit on important issues that I think my directed audience needs to hear about – like for example how life is important so please don’t end anyone’s including your own! But if you know me, don’t worry. Just enjoy my book and don’t judge me or the characters or the people they could represent. 
  74. I like stuffed animals. … They’re cute. I’m sorry. But. I love dem. *huggles* Dolls on the other hand, those be creepy.
  75. I hate gifts. I just. I can’t. Ok ok don’t get me wrong. I like gifts… Like I won’t be grumpy and chuck them out the window if you want to give me a gift. That’s sweet; thank you very much; I appreciate it. … But. It’s not necessary. If you are being like “yo, I’m awesome, you seem awesome, let’s be friends, yay!” Then talk to me! Let’s maybe hang out more in person. But gifts… they just ain’t my thing. I like making them; don’t like receiving them.. or thinking of ideas to make… lol. 
  76. I am a horrible person. People don’t realize how Slytherin I am until I say something hugely blunt and they’re like holy crap you’re not sunshine and rainbows like I thought you were.
  77. So. Tired. of being called the “naive” or “innocent” friend. Like hasn’t it been established that the quiet ones are always the ones you need to watch out for? Like they’ll either be your boss or will KILL YOU later? Like why you calling us out, brah? Also, calling me your little, innocent friend just because I’m quiet (because I don’t know you well enough yet to be myself around you) is just flat out annoying. Just because I’m not loud and need to be shushed 98% of the time (yet), doesn’t mean I’m a pure person who needs to be protected either. I’m not five years old. Trust me. I got dis. All the jokes you’re making; I understand. All the stories you’re telling; I’m not scarred for life. I just don’t want to talk, or I just don’t care in the first place. 
  78. I like bugging people. … I’m sorry. Annoying people is how I show my love and affection and friendship and all that good stuff. Like for example, by almost poking you and being like “I’m not actually touching you so you can’t be mad at meeee.” … I’m a horrible person; we’ve already established this. XD 
  79. Oh something else about my sense of humor. I tend to do self deprecating sense of humor. It’s not because I have insecurities (though I do xD ), but it’s also because it’s usually the kind of humor that most people are open with and relax with more. If you make fun of yourself, then more people are bound to say “OH me too” or be like “daaang you’re honest, girl. Nice.” It’s also a test to see if someone’s a jerk or not,  but those are rare. It’s just something that’s more enjoyable and open for someone to be able to talk to me. I’m awkward, so for some reason I think other people are too… Oops. 
  80. I like the beach. It’s a beautiful and magical place. I also like the forest. Do I get to go to these two places a lot? No. *sad face* 
  81. I don’t wear makeup. … I honestly don’t even know how to use it. Like. Picture those YouTube videos where a girl’s dad or their boyfriend or just guy friend does their makeup or does a voice over for their makeup tutorial. … I’m worse than all of those males combined. I’m sorry. XD There’s like a brush thing, and you put this like blender powder stuff all over your face and then dab a sponge all over it? and then get this torture device to wring out your eyelashes like a wet rag, and then apply this black liquid that will probably make me blind in the process – only to be covered by my glasses anyway? You’re telling me I could do whatever this crap is…. Ooooor I could sleep for an extra hour or two AND not spend money on makeup and torture devices? I think I’m good with only using makeup when I’m going to a party or a wedding or something. (Also, my mom is the best for doing this for me. I should probably learn tho, but we all know I will never.) 
  82. Aquariums with like a lit glass tunnel thing of water and fish around is the coolest place ever that I’ve never gone to. Like this: Like legit, I wanna get proposed here. XD 
  83. This is gonna make me sound nuts, but who cares. I like watching people and listening to their conversations. XD Before you call the police, okay, lemme explain. If a person is having a really loud conversation on the phone and they’re right next to me, I’m sorry but I can’t turn off my ears okay? I understand privacy, but I also like learning about drama so I can write it better. Does that mean I like drama or being involved in it? No, and in fact I hate it. BUT. Learning about it is kinda a must when you’re writing… or you want to function as a person at all. Like honestly, what do you expect from me.
  84. I’m a bit of a perfectionist. And by a bit. I mean a lot. As previously mentioned, I always procrastinate. So. You can imagine how well I get stuff done. Aka not done.
  85. I also have occasional ADHD tendencies. Never been diagnosed and don’t have to take pills or anything to help with it. But it is extremely hard to get me to focus on stuff, even stuff I like. Plus my dad and a few other relatives had it too. 
  86. My biggest pet peeve is when people say they have ADHD, dyslexia, OCD, or literally any other type of dealio (Dealio is a very technical word.) Unless you genuinely think you have this condition and/or actually been diagnosed/tested, please shut up. I hate it when people are just talking about their regular problems and make it sound like it’s a disorder or something. For example, someone will say they like being organized and they like color coding things and they like being on time. Which is perfectly fine and dandy! BUT then they’ll say they have OCD. This doesn’t mean you’ve got OCD at all. It just means you got your crap together (at least on the outside). What people don’t seem to realize is that letter “D” in “OCD” is not there for fun. No, no, no. It actually stands for the word “disorder”. So unless, for example, you have to wash your hands like 500 times a day, or have a ritual every time you go to bed or wake up for work, or you have to turn off and on the light switch a certain number of times, or you have to make sure the doors and windows are all locked every single night for like 3 times at least, etc., then you probably don’t have OCD. The whole name is “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.” In the olden days, people used to think that there was a demon living inside a person, when in reality they actually had a condition, called – you guessed it – OCD. It’s a disorder that makes a person obsessive and compulsive. I’m sorry, but it sucks. I’m GENUINELY sorry you can’t concentrate on doing a project until your workstation is perfectly set up, but is that really a bad thing? For one it seems like you’re bragging about it and just using it to make a conversation… but then you call it a disorder… And trust me, I don’t think you want to actually have the disorder. Another example, people who claim they have ADHD say, “OMG I can’t concentrate on studying AT ALL; I must have ADHD.” This doesn’t mean you have a disorder; it just means that you prooooobably don’t like school. People who have ADHD often need to take medicine to help with their focus. (My friend who had ADHD would also occasionally forget he took his medicine and retake it.) For me personally, I definitely don’t have an extreme case by any means. But I will get distracted easily, and it’s incredibly difficult for me to start working on something. I’m better about focus than I was when I was younger, but it used to be a very big problem for me. If what you’re dealing with isn’t really harming your enjoyment of life overall or your learning or your job or whatever, you probably don’t need to talk to an expert about it. So please stop comparing your #firstworldproblems to actual disorders and conditions. OK. Getting off my soap box. Clearly not an expert about psychological issues, only took one class, but for some reason I can easily crank out multiple paragraphs without even trying. ANYWAYS back to the list.
  87. I love swimming. 
  88. I don’t particularly like driving. Like. I have my license.. Just honestly… always been scared about it. It didn’t help that my driving instructor was also just a flat-out horrible human being who liked to make his students cry by cussing, yelling, and not communicating directions and driving instructions well at all. Here’s my words of wisdom: if you don’t like kids/teenagers, and you don’t like them driving, then don’t try to teach them how to drive! Ya nincompoop, geez. 
  89. I don’t like… crying… or getting mad in front of people. It’s just… It ain’t fun, peeps.
  90. When I’m nervous, my voice gets high. XD Which is awful. because I’ll be trying to seem all calm and stuff, until I realize my voice sounds like a chipmunk. And the person I’m talking to is like wtf is wrong with you. XD 
  91. I only make my bed, before I go to sleep in it. Usually in the winter. I’ll lay out my blankets and layer them so the fuzzy ones are inside for insulation and then the heavier ones are outside for protection against cold air and they also have a weight that helps the warm blankets comfort me in my time of need for sleep and comfort. Yes.. I have a plan on how to make my bed. Shut up. It’s a beautiful system.
  92. I try to live in the mindset so I don’t regret anything. I think life is pretty short. You never know when it’s going to be taken away from you. So don’t live a single moment of regret. You’ve got an issue with someone, tell them. If you need to confess something horrible you did, tell them. If you like someone, tell them. If you always wanted to go to Europe, save up and try to do it. Or at least read about it. If you’ve always wanted to learn another language, get online, fool, and do it. If you want to be a hermit and only drink the blood of your enemies, do it. Wait what who added that. ANYWAYS. live life of no regrets. It would suck if your mother died of cancer and you never got to make up from that fight you had… or you never told someone how you felt but now it’s too late. Don’t leave a chapter of your life without resolving it properly. … Oh my goodness, I’ve been writing for such a long time that I’m starting to sound like real people are characters. I’m sowwy.
  93. I don’t drink near enough water as I probably should. XD it’s literally just laziness. Like I even like how water ‘tastes’. I just. Don’t feel like getting up to get it. XD

  94. Shit is my favorite cuss word. The f bomb is just so overused nowadays it’s so mainstream. But the s word is just… for being literally poop. It’s so classy and cool. Ya gotta admit. Tho that maybe just my tired, one in the morning brain.

  95. I’m cold like 50.5% of the time. But I also hate layers. So really I’m cold more like 75.9% of the time. (This is excluding summer. But that .9 is being in buildings with AC while I’m in the summer. Yes. I have thought about this way too much.)

  96. I overthink things! Yaaayyy~!
  97. I have two types of dreams – either super realistic, where I got shit done. I cleaned my room. I took a shower. I did homework. I did my laundry. I texted people back. I talked to someone about something important. I did something I’ve been procrastinating. I jogged a mile. Ya know, probably should’ve known they’re dreams when I exercise in them… but any-who. Point being. These dreams are super realistic and super boring. But whatevs, I’m productive. So when I wake up I’m like hell yeah I got so much stuff done earlier today. And then I’m like. Wait. I was asleep. It wasn’t a nap. Live I’ve been sleeping for a whole like 5 hours hopefully maybe. And haven’t gotten anything done. So I have to relive doing everything I thought I did. But didn’t actually do. (Except the jog because that’s never gonna happen.)

  98. The second type of dream is probably one you already know about if you’ve read my Q and A about my book. It’s dreams that are super fantastical. Usually inspiring to some parts of my book. These. Are. Fantastic. I wake up with super clear visuals in my head. But they fade pretty quick so I have to type furiously on my phone as soon as I wake up. Probably won’t get the whole thing down but hey. Least I got something from my subconsciousness.

  99. This fact might be a little nuts but I think my subconscious somehow knows how long I can procrastinate on something. XD like my brain is like okay. I want to do well in this class. So do your homework on time and get your reading in and all this jazz. But my subconscious is like. Ttssskkkkkkkk. Yeaaahhhh. So that’s not gonna work out for me. My schedule of doing absolute no shit for the next 25 hours is completely booked. I know that this isn’t required crap and you just wanna get the hw done a few days early so you have time to edit it and stuff, you overachieving freak. So! Lets compromise and let me continue to ruin your life 😀 Meanwhile I’m just thinking to myself. Why the heck do I do this to myself. Like I clearly am some kind of masochist for some unknown reason. That’s the only logical explanation. That. Or my room is haunted by like 3 ghosts at least.

  100. If I resort to being a hermit. I want to be one of those kinds that everyone thinks is legitimately freaking terrifying. Like I seem like a sweet old lady. But something is just a little bit… off. And I don’t mean like I’m the monster in a horror movie. But like I wanna be the senile woman who everyone kinda suspects is a witch but doesn’t have proof that magic actually exists so they think I’m just a crazy old loon. And I need at least five wind chimes hanging in the trees. With lots of stained glass stuff. And at least like 3 cats and dogs each. And maybe an apprentice or two. That I love like my own son or daughter. But everyone else thinks I’m crazy. It’ll be great. I will love it. Please make it happen.


Anyway, I’m sure that’s more information about me than you’ll ever want in a lifetime. That’s all I’ve got for you on this page. But as always, feel free to talk to me if you’ve got questions or comments! 🙂 

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