
Crossed Paths Dictionary

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a –
alagon – basis liquid in plants

aloidia – an extremely powerful spirit who is even more powerful than a spirit of dimokre. (See dimokre and yellow-eyes for more information.) They are responsible for helping the world and universe function. such as sleep, balance, chaos, procrastination, etc.

anim-latic – a spirit who is part animal. such as firefox, fox, manta ray, wolf, etc.

antine –

b –

brethnesk –

c –

caline – powerful substance in potions. usually a yellow powder

cangal – part of the Counter tool

Castrealm – layers of invisibility in the spirit world

clanjon – a spirit species that are very strong and are often referred to as “the blacksmiths of the spirit realm.”

cliab –

Counter – tool used to measure how powerful memories are; measures in memo-watts; composed of many parts including a spoel and a cangal

cortrocolor – layer of mud spirit

cultchicolor – layer of mud spirit

d –

dimokre – an important color of each spirit “world” across the globe. an extremely powerful spirit in the yellow world, for example, is nicknamed as a yellow-eye.

dream spirit
Dream Spirit Diagram

dream spirit – often mistaken for a mosquito. It bites the host, usually a spirit, and it sucks their blood for food, just like a mosquito does. However, it also injects its waste into the host’s body, which gives a daydream to the host that is so vivid the host thinks it was real. The dream typically has to do with the last thoughts the host had.

Tree Dragon

dragon – guardians of different elements of the whole world. different from the hourglass cave because they protect it. hourglasses keep it going.


e –

entina –

etierh –

elementist – a spirit with powers of an element, such as fire, ice, earth, plant, water, air, etc. similar to a naturalist.

f –


fairy – a small human-like creature with wings. several different types, such as healing and forget-me-not.

firefox – a type of spirit that can turn into a fox and can control fire.


flazlum –

flufoid – a very obnoxious, talkative pink bird-like spirit. think: flamingo with gils

g –

gakilath –

gleacy –

gleblu –

h –

hunter minion
a hunter

hunter – minion of the Huntress.  different from the Hunter. hunters are just mindless drones that do whatever the Huntress demands them too. She can control them without a single word. They use very light guns. Can smell and hear perfectly. Most except for the higher up ones, don’t have a face and can’t talk. basically, her hound dogs.

i –

inkate –

j –

k –

l –

huntress's amulet
lazap – Huntress’s

lazap – an amulet used for communication.

legum –

luezould – a blob-like cloud that surrounds the brain that a shadow forms when a shadow overshadows an animal, creature, spirit, human, etc.

lunner – a very common meal with spirits. very late lunch – between lunch and dinner. breakfast is usually later, so lunch is too.

limnic berries – delicious to taste but vomit-inducing to smell. the limnic bush has glowing deep purple berries.

m –

merfolk – mermaids are females, and mermen are males. creatures that


can breathe underwater. usually have fish’s tail instead of legs. skin color, hair color, gills, and other features varies from merperson to merperson.

mud spirit – a type of spirit that is an earth creature. it’s a very slow moving creature, but extremely dangerous if you’re careless. typically feasts on dead creatures that obviously can’t move anymore. However, it can sneak up and

mud spirit
Mud Spirit

feast on a careless animal as well. Once it secures a creature’s feet, it will stretch itself and climb up, making a cocoon around the prey’s body. it then eats it.



n –

naturalist – a spirit with powers that derive from nature. such as thunder, rain, lightning, day, night, etc.

neocast – the aura or smell a potion gives off

neutral creature – that creature will only attack or bother a human if it’s fun for them which means the humans need to see them

o –

orgethus – a magical familly type.

p –

pepelexa – a magical flower. pepelexa orgethus is a magical flower that looks like lillies. its pollen causes a faint purple glow. It’s used in many magical potions typically. but the smell is also whatever the picker wants. so it’s good for gifts as well. However, they die within seconds after being picked. In order to take it from the wild, you need to take the roots and plant it

q –

r –

Revived Evellic – a term used to describe a person that was good, but then had a turning point where he or she became evil. often used to describe the Huntress.

s –

sepa –

shadow spirit
shadow spirit


shadow spirit – a dark creature. usually evil. one shadow is good though. They help the Shadow King occasionally, but for the most part they’re a unique creature that only does what they want. can read minds, control people (called overshadowing), change/erase/make memories, and have no tangibility. they typically do anything from a harmless prank to mercilessly ruining a person’s life – all for fun.


spoel – part of the Counter tool

grape sprite
Grape Sprite

sprite – a creature like a fairy. usually without wings and representing some kind of plant. very nuisance pests.

t –

trainer – a type of amulet that helps control powers. it acts like training wheels while a kid is learning to ride a bike.

kael's amulet
trainer – Kael’s

u –


unicorn – a majestic, horse-like creature with a horn on its forehead. Ground up, horns and hooves are powerful ingredients in potions



v –

w –

x –

y –

yellow-eyes – a spirit who, funny enough, has yellow eyes. very powerful in the yellow spirit “world”. see dimokre for more information on the color significance. such as the spirit queen, huntress, healing woman, and the witch.

z –

zepess – neocast changes to this when the potion is successful